Since the novel crown infection has become not all bad of our contemporary life, there is no other way out other than living with it. In my previous article named 'Living with Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19', which was distributed here half a month past, I just clarified the primer precautionary measures that one must take while living with the novel crown infection or Covid 19. It was only a short note clarifying the guarded strategies by which one can avoid the chance of a novel crown infection assault. 

Be that as it may, here my aim is a lot more extensive. 

I am not here to explain the logical or clinical evaluation of the current circumstance, which is the production of the novel crown infection. I am not here to clarify the rules set forward by master clinical experts or the WHO. 

I wish to address the whole worldwide network to state my dispute, just as to implore everybody for working for the improvement of human life. I am here just to ask for human holding. 

Let the novel crown infection (Covid 19) become a bit of destiny; let us accept this open door as a down to earth opportunity to get joined together, at any rate intellectually. Better believe it, this novel crown infection has offered us the exceptionally wanted reprieve! Allow us to join together, overlooking all the local, national, and strict boundaries and become accomplices in working up another worldwide network. Keep in mind, when such a pandemic happens, people are on one side, and the foe is on the opposite side. This down to earth truth essentially clarifies that we are all from one class, and that is humankind. The tale crown infection has shown us this reality determinedly. 

Let our kids inhale outside air; let them have more others conscious character than we. Let them become GLOBAL CITIZENS rather as limited patriots. Limited patriotism implies confined humanism, and confined humanism implies complex or disguised boorishness. 

By confined patriotism, I mean lessening to oneself, to the couple of letters in order of one's name, religion, nation, as opposed to suspecting in standard with the celebrated Aristotle quote, "Man is a social creature." Let us begin preparing to stun the world; let us discard the undesirable perspectives, loaded down with frivolous regionalism or religionalism. Let us escape the semantic obstructions; let us free our psyches and become one substance! 

All things considered, we are human, and we can concede the reality! We should concede that we are for the most part human. We are all from one ethnic gathering; we have a place with one family, which implies that we are generally people. We can utilize the open door gave by the novel crown infection to our improvement, the advancement of our human culture. 

Kindly comprehend that human life is extremely delicate. As we probably am aware currently, even the littlest of the minuscule infection, the novel crown infection, Covid 19, which one can't select utilizing the unaided eyes, is equipped for clearing out human presence! You needn't bother with any human-made damaging instruments to decimate our pretty globe! 

See what is befalling the current social situation! Schools have quit working! Every single strict establishment stay shut! Even-mindedly, human life has become pretty much incapacitated! Individuals dread to move around the roads uninhibitedly! Also, there is an official boycott for doing as such in a portion of the nations! Formally, they call it 'lockdown'. Dread has held everybody, and wherever one can see a demeanor of vulnerability. 

In this way, let us know about this reality as respects the delicacy of life! Let us get the handy embodiment of this reality! Let us love each other and become novel people. The tale crown infection has given us a brilliant chance to become worldwide residents. 

Let us not neglect to use this opportunity and join together. This open door might be our last transport, thus, surge inside or the consequences will be severe, we may get abandoned.

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